Data/Research TA Resources
General Cheatsheet of R commands for data work . Data cleaning: dplyr and tidyr Figures: ggplot2 Working with character/word vectors: stringr If you plan on using R Notebooks: rmarkdown Original source Cheatsheet of Stata commands for data work Original source Workshop 1: script-writing See my econometrics notes below for a refresher on R, R Notebooks, and for an intro econometrics refresher. R: fixest for running regressions (as opposed to lm or plm) faster estimation flexible formula writing allows simultaneous estimation of many similar regression models, much simpler and more convenient inclusion of leads, lags, and differences of variables, and intuitive specification of standard errors its etable function provides a nice pipeline for creating very customizable tables automatically (better in my opinion than the usual suggestion, which is the stargazer package) R: magrittr for very intuitive and readable script-writing especially for data processing....