“I need Squirrel Hill to return to its right size.”

News crews from around the world are positioned across from Tree of Life, on the east side of the building, at Shady and Wilkins, cameras aimed at the tall, thin stained-glass windows… On Monday night, at a barricade half a block from Tree of Life Synagogue, I overheard University of Pittsburgh students telling a reporter from Le Monde that the neighbourhood is ‘rich’. When I heard the word ‘rich’, I felt the cityscape close in. A story would go to press that people around the world would read in a few hours’ time. Glued to the details of a senseless massacre, would they find some kind of sense in a description of ‘rich’ Jews?

It feels weirdly out of scale at the moment, like an enormous parade balloon version of itself. Every cable news crawl has the words ‘Squirrel Hill’ in it. I am trying to shrink the neighbourhood back down, in my mind, to the place where I have picked my son up from preschool, from circus camp, from swimming lessons, leading him out of the tiled Jewish Community Center hallway to the tiny parking garage where I always narrowly miss denting another exhausted parent’s car.

“Did that advance the field? Maybe. Is it the right thing to do? Absolutely not.”

A brief history of artificial hearts, a technology not nearly as well-developed as I had thought. It reads like some of the middle chapters of Siddhartha Mukherjee’s excellent history of cancer The Emperor of All Maladies in that it has a practitioner framing the egos and recklessnesses of researchers as driving medical advancement, “challenging the binary characterization of therapeutics as either successes or failures.”

Drop Facebook. It’s cleaner.

While Mr. Zuckerberg has conducted a public apology tour in the last year, Ms. Sandberg has overseen an aggressive lobbying campaign to combat Facebook’s critics, shift public anger toward rival companies and ward off damaging regulation. Facebook employed a Republican opposition-research firm to discredit activist protesters, in part by linking them to the liberal financier George Soros. It also tapped its business relationships, lobbying a Jewish civil rights group to cast some criticism of the company as anti-Semitic.

A review of “My Struggle: Book 6. The End.”

What kind of book? Well, it’s 1153 pages long, it interrupts itself midway with a 400-page essay on young Adolf Hitler, it’s the sixth volume of a series and takes place in the real-life aftermath to to the first volume, and beyond that, its readers can’t seem to agree on any more specific a descriptor.

I believe [the book’s readers] cannot tell you whether they think it is good or not either, but also that they all agree it exercises a certain fascination that keeps you reading. This fascination is what a proper reviewer would have to analyse. Otherwise, you are reduced to the status of the art teacher, moving from pupil to pupil and saying, this part is really good, there is something wrong with the anatomy of this figure, there’s something missing in the lower left part of the picture, that part has an interesting colour combination, etc. I’m afraid I will have to do that too, since I agreed to review this book.

No-longer-deaf people of Reddit, what’s something you thought would have a certain noise but were surprised it doesn’t?

I had a friend who was surprised to find out that people have different sounding voices.

I had a deaf girl ask me if ice cream made a sound when it melted.

The SEO Saga Presents: 2 Sequel 2 Titles: The Crimes of Brandening Part II: A Franchise Boogaloo Story

One last thing with no relevant link, but the new movie in the Harry Potter spinoff series comes out this weekend and has the title “Fantastic Beasts 2: The Crimes of Grindelwald” despite apparently not featuring any fantastic beasts. Also screening this week is the sequel to the movie adaptation of “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”, which has the full title of “The Girl in the Spider’s Web: A New Dragon Tattoo Story.”

OK, one link here: